To Outland, Carla Chan Ho-Choi

For the German version, click here

A short portrait: Carla Chan Ho-Choi

Carla Chan Ho-Choi (1989) is a young Berlin and Hong Kong based artist. She graduated from the School of Creative Media, City University in Hong Kong and has been active in the international scene since. Her works have been selected for various showcases in Europe, USA and Asia. Carla works with a variety of multimedial tools, like video, photos and other interactive medias, to create minimal pieces that play between reality and illusion.

The exhibition: To Outland

This is Carla's first solo exhibition in Berlin and it revolves around warping texture, scale and movement of landscape of a journey through an alien land.
I believe the title really embodies the nature of the exhibition. One step into the gallery and you can already feel as if you were entering a different dimension. Not only the visual elements capture your attention, but the show is a full-body experience set by the ambient music and the soft lighting. The peculiar creations of this artist lead you into a journey through space, a unique inner and outer space, free to be interpreted in many different ways.

Where and when: SMAC Gallery

If you'd like to float into another dimension, you can attend the showcase at SMAC Gallery in Berlin from the 30th January until Sunday 14th February.

SMAC Gallery
Linienstraße 57, 10119 Berlin
Opening hours: 13.00 – 19.00
Free entry



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