Stages of language learning: motivation, demotivation and...

How many times have you been asked the question “Why are you learning x language“? Personally, I lost count. I can usually come up with a pretty reasonable answer, for example “because I have German friends“ or “because I want to work in the translation field“. However, sometimes I can't think of anything else other than “just because I like it!“. And truth be told, that is why I started and why I continue to study most of the languages that I know. In my opinion, you can compare language learning to a relationship: at first everything is amazing, you're in love with the language and just want to keep discovering more. And then the problems start to come up. At the beginning it's just little things here and there, once or twice, no big deal. Bu t after a while you get bored, you lose interest. Sometimes you can work it out and fall in love again, but sometimes the interest just isn't there anymore and you need to let it go. When I first s...